Information for parents
Click here to see our letter about our transition days. Please note the deadline for registering attendance has now passed.
School Office / Reception opening hours: Monday to Thursday, 8.00am – 4.00pm
and Friday 8.00am – 3.30pm
Must be reported before 8.40am by calling the main school number and selecting Option 3.
ParentPay (Individual log on details will be issued)
This is the online payment and communication system used by our school. Parents must register and activate their accounts in order to receive communications from school and in order to pay for trips, school meals etc.
The main method of communication is email through ParentPay. You must, therefore, register and activate your ParentPay account to ensure you receive these communications. For emergencies, we will use the primary contact phone number. Please ensure your contact details are kept up to date.
This is an online reporting system that will allow you to track your child’s progress. You must register in order to gain access to your account. Log in details will be issued in September.
All school reports are now available online in Go4Schools. Paper copies may be produced by arrangement and must be collected in person from the main office.
Students will have to report to the school office their reason for lateness and this will be recorded. Any student who is late more than 10 times in a 12 week period will result in the parents receiving a fine from the Local Authority.
School Gateway
This is a free app that allows regular up to date and free communications between parents and school, relating specifically to behaviour and attendance. Please download from your app store or register at PLEASE ENSURE THAT THE MOBILE NUMBER AND EMAIL ADDRESS YOU REGISTER WITH MATCH THOSE PROVIDED TO SCHOOL.
Free School Meal Eligibility
In a bid to make free school meals / pupil premium more easily accessible, parents are now able to use the School Gateway app to see if you are eligible for FSM/Pupil Premium by simply answering a few questions. If, when you complete the questions, the result is that you "may" be eligible, the app automatically lets our school know. We will then contact you directly and advise on how to process your official claim via the county council.
Payment accepted on ParentPay only.
When a student has to sign out for an appointment, they must have a hard copy of a note from a parent/carer. Students will not be allowed off-site without this. The student should keep the note on them, so they can show their teacher in order to leave the lesson. We are unable to collect students from class, they must make their own way to reception to sign out.
School Closures
We will notify parents of school closures as soon as possible by text message and by posting an alert on the website. There is also a County Council website dedicated to informing parents about school closures.
Mobile Phones
May be brought into school but we cannot be responsible for any damage/loss or theft. They must NOT be used during the school day without express permission from a member of staff and will be confiscated if they are.
Parents should not drive onto the school car park, this is for the use of staff only. Dropping off in a morning, parents should use the marked parking bays on Rowley Avenue and students should stay on the footpath.
Lost property
Is kept in reception – a reminder to parents/carers to label PE kit and uniform, we can then easily return lost items to students.
School Dinners
We run a cashless payment system which means school dinners must be paid for in advance on ParentPay and students should register for biometric readings. You can check balances online and top up from anywhere at any time, you can even monitor what your child buys for lunch. Packed lunches may also be eaten in the school canteen.
Free School Meals
Click here for full details.
Please note that if parents wish to apply for free school meals for pupils starting or moving school from September 2020
- for those moving between Staffordshire schools, after 16 April the council will write to all those parents for pupils in all year groups where they are able to move their claim to the new school
- for brand new starters they will accept applications from 1 June onwards..
For any queries regarding free school meal claims please contact 0300 111 8007 or email
Medical Conditions
If your child has a medical condition you must inform the school.
You MUST complete a care plan, copies of which are available in the main school office and on the school website. This would include any anaphylactic reaction, asthma, etc.
Bike storage
BWH has ample room to lock up bikes. Bikes remain the responsibility of their owners and not the school.
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