Special Educational Needs (SEN)
For our most up to date SEN Policies please visit our Policies page
INTERACTIVE SEND information report link
Our Aims
- To promote a ‘Love of God, love of people, love of learning LOVE OF LIFE’.
- To develop an inclusive approach, enabling all students to develop their interests, abilities and aptitudes as fully as possible.
- To ensure that all students can access the curriculum where possible.
- To work with parents/carers, students and outside agencies to meet the additional needs of SEND students.
Transition to Blessed William Howard
Transfer from primary to secondary school can be a particularly stressful and worrying time for children with specific educational needs and their parents.
Here at Blessed William Howard, we place a great deal of emphasis on supporting all learners and their families with specialist, tailored, in-class support to meet individual needs.
One of our main objectives is to boost confidence. If students feel they can achieve, they usually do. Our aim is to build their self-esteem. We do this through a range of activities e.g. lunchtime clubs, mentoring, social groups, skills sessions
The team liaises closely with local primary schools to ensure an individual learning plan is formed for each student before they arrive, designed to pick up seamlessly from the primary education programme.
What we offer
A team of student support staff provides support both in-class and during additional timetabled catch up sessions. We also run homework club on Monday and Thursday lunchtimes and after school (3.15pm - 4.00pm) Monday to Thursday, to provide support for students to complete their homework.
In close collaboration with the students and their parents, we create student ‘Learning Passports”. These enable each individual’s needs to be met in the classroom by all teachers, ensuring a consistent approach to learning support throughout the curriculum.
All pupils have access to our ‘drop-in’ zone at break and lunchtimes, this area is also seen as a social area, which means students never feel uncomfortable about using its facilities and there are no negative associations with being a regular user.
We also liaise with numerous external agencies to ensure the correct learning package for individual students is created.
We believe firmly in encouraging the role parents and families have to play in supporting their children in making progress. Having parental input is vitally important to us. We actively encourage parents to liaise with us at all stages of their child's learning journey. For our part, we will ensure that parents and families are consulted and involved in all decisions regarding their child, wherever possible.
Additional Support Includes
- Study Skills Support
- Social/Communication Club (Lego)
- Extra Maths and English tuition
- Dyslexia Intervention
- Homework Club (Monday and Thursday lunchtimes, Monday - Thursday after school)
Key Contacts:
- SENCo - Mr L Trout – lt@bwh.staffs.sch.uk
- Assistant SENCo - Mrs L Powell
Link Governor - Mrs J Gormley
The Student Support Team:
Mrs H Wardrop
Mrs Y Shapiro
Mrs S Egner
Mrs W Milman
Miss C Southall
Mrs L Marsden
Mrs M Bagley
Miss M McMahon
Miss E Bagnall-Lambe
Miss H Sumner
Miss K Winfer
Mrs J Watson
Useful Links: