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Curriculum Overview

At Blessed William Howard we guide and encourage all students to achieve academic excellence and ensure their God-given gifts and talents are utilised to the full.

The curriculum is broad, balanced and ambitious.  It has been designed to ensure that students  acquire the knowledge, skills, and attitudes which fully prepare them for the next stage of their education and later life in modern Britain.

We aim to create successful and resilient learners who enjoy learning, make good progress and achieve excellence.

Alongside the ‘examined’ curriculum, students at Blessed William Howard follow an age-appropriate Personal Development (PD) curriculum and are encouraged to participate in a wide-ranging extra-curricular provision. The intention of this PD and extra-curriculum offer is to provide opportunities for students to become:

  • Confident individuals who are able to live safe, healthy and fulfilling lives.
  • Responsible citizens who can make a positive contribution to society.
  • Globally aware young people who will be able to thrive in the 21st century world.

Key Stage 3 (Year 7 - 9)

In Key Stage 3 students follow a broad and balanced curriculum as they are taught across the full range of national curriculum subjects. We believe it is important to develop knowledge and understanding that will allow our students to become ‘GCSE-ready’ by the time they reach the end of Year 9. 

Key Stage 4 (Year 10 & 11)

In Key Stage 4 students have a greater say in their education through the options process. 

The vast majority of students will study:

  • Religious Education
  • English – Literature and Language
  • Mathematics
  • Science 
  • MFL - French or Spanish
  • Humanities – History or Geography
  • Two additional options from a range of 'academic' and 'creative' subjects

Details of all options subjects can be found within our subject curriculum pages. 

Key Stage 5 (Year 12 & 13)

Our Key Stage 5 offer provides students with the opportunity to further specialise their learning through the study of A-Level or Vocational qualifications. This is supported by a varied enrichment curriculum. By the end of their studies at Blessed William Howard, students are well positioned to secure places for university study, higher level apprenticeships or employment.