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 Child Sexual Exploitation:

The link below takes you to Staffordshire County Council's website dealing with Child Sexual Exploitation.  The material is not graphic but you may wish to check the content before viewing it with your child.  The themes are disturbing but we believe for some of our young people this is the right type of information they need to access to make sure they keep themselves safe.  Too many young people do not see themselves as made in the image and likeness of God and allow their giftedness to be tarnished in some manner. We believe it is highly important we nurture their positive view of themselves and give them the skills to navigate the maze that social media can present.   You will make the decision how much you wish to discuss these matters at home.  We will do work at school that deals with this issue as part of our commitment to educating our children and keeping them safe.



Supporting learning Information

[ARCHIVED CONTENT] Helping your 11 to 14 year old to learn : Directgov - Parents

[ARCHIVED CONTENT] Helping your 14 to 19 year old to learn : Directgov - Parents

Supporting your child in school - Family Lives