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Pupil Premium

Blessed William Howard Catholic High School is committed to narrowing gaps and ensuring that every pupil excels.  The 'Pupil Premium' is additional funding given to publicly funded schools in England to raise the attainment of disadvantaged pupils and close the gap between them and their peers.

The proportion of students in receipt of Pupil Premium funding at Blessed William Howard is broadly in line with the average for similar schools nationally. Whilst the exact umber of students can vary across the year, here the current breakdown of Pupil Premium students in each year group:

Year group Percentage of PP students
7 24%
8 30%
9 24%
10 27%
11 26%


There are a range of reasons why a child is allocated Pupil premium funding including the following;

  • Your child is currently entitled to free school meals or has been at some point over the last 6 years
  • You are currently guardian for a child in your care
  • One or more parents is, or has been, in the Armed Forces

Pupil Premium strategy statement 2024-2027

2023-24 Pupil Premium Statement and 2022-23 Review (to be reviewed September 2024)

The Pupil Premium at BWH 2022/2023

2022-23 Pupil Premium Statement and Interim Review

2022-23 Pupil Premium Statement and 2021-22 Review

Pupil Premium Information

Pupil Premium Policy

If you have any questions about our Pupil Premium implementation, please contact  Mr S Wells (swe@bwh.staffs.sch.uk

O2 - National Data bank scheme
If you think you might qualify for free mobile data, please visit the link below:


If you believe that your child may be eligible for free school meals, please follow the link to the Staffordshire County Council website.