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New Sixth Form Transition Units

Y11 Transition work for A level subjects - beginning 8th June 2020 

Timetable for Live Teaching

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
9am English (MV) History (GA/NT)
10am Maths (AJ) Philosophy & Ethics (HM/HD) Biology (RAB/SP)
11.20am Chemistry (RC/TD) Physics (MC) Geography (MM)
12.20pm Art (JC) Music (AH)

 Students can access units for each of the subjects they have opted to study in Sixth Form from the links within the list of subjects below.  Please click the subject for the units for each subject.

These units contain sufficient activities for four weeks of work, along with further opportunities to develop their skills. These are specifically designed to bridge the gap between GCSE and A level.  

For subjects at other centres please visit their school websites or use this link to the Staffordshire Partnership website.
Any queries, please email the subject leader included in the transition work or Mrs Broomhall, Head of Sixth form rab@bwh.staffs.sch.uk
Subjects delivered at Blessed William Howard 

Philosophy and Ethics
English Literature
History       History (USA)     American Civil War Module