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The Catholic Life of our School

We are extremely lucky to have Canon Michael as our school Chaplain, assisted by Fr Stephen. They both work closely with our School Lay Chaplain Ross to offer students many opportunities for spiritual development.

As a school we are committed to strengthening the links with the local parish.

As the first educators, parents and guardians have made the choice to send their child to a Catholic School and we take seriously the responsibility to support families in their prayer life too. You can find resources here in support of this: Family Prayer


Form Prayer

At Blessed William Howard, prayer is a central part of our day. All students have the opportunity to participate in prayer during form time that invites students to engage in faith. Each week there is a Gospel reading with a reflection and actions linked to Catholic Social Teaching. For example, students have created their own mission statements and created peace prayers for their prayer display in form and for the chapel.

Year Group Events

Throughout the year, students have the opportunity to come together in prayer as a year group for Masses, liturgies, remembrance services, retreats, reconciliation and reflections in classes.

Each year there is a Year 7 and Year 12 Mass to welcome new students. These Masses are an important way of introducing the students to the Catholic ethos and values of our school with a focus on Christ at the centre of everything we do. Both Masses are always a joyful celebration with students and parents are welcome to attend.

Students also go to St Austin's Church once a year for the annual school carol concert.


Each week, students have a prayer assembly based on the liturgical year and / or the Catholic Social Teaching principle for the half term. The assembly follows on from the form prayer sessions.

Students regularly participate in liturgies. For example, in November the month of remembrance, students were led in prayer with the opportunity to light a candle remembering a lost loved one. Throughout Advent, each year group has had a liturgy based on the true meaning of Advent.The school chapel is at the heart of these liturgies, it provides a calming and reflective atmosphere, enabling both pupils and staff to pray in the presence of Christ. We are lucky enough to be able to transform our SportsHall into a place of worship for the whole school to gather for Holy Days of Obligation, BWH Feast Day, and Christmas and Easter Mass. 

Class Mass takes place weekly. One class each week plans and delivers the Friday morning Mass in the Chapel.

Catholic Social Teaching