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Wider Opportunities

Prayer during lunchtimes.

Prayer Club is offered to students in year 7 and year 8 during Tuesday lunchtimes with some enthusiastic members who are actively involved in the Catholic life of the school by helping lead assemblies, reading in Mass and getting involved in any campaigns. Prayers vary from reflective to creative and give students a chance to learn new ways of praying.

Students from all year groups are also given the opportunity to pray during other lunchtimes. For example ‘Wednesday Word’ giving students a chance to listen to scripture and be creative with its message, for example creating a collage or artwork to be displayed around the school.

BWH Leaders
At Blessed William Howard, we are very fortunate to have students that are enthusiastic to get involved in the Catholic life of our School. We have representatives from each year group standing as Blessed William Howard Leaders. These students are involved in the Chaplaincy, Eco-Schools project, our student voice, charities and community events.

Year of the Word -  RE Classes
Pope Francis has declared this year in the Church as ‘The God Who Speaks’. In support of this, we have introduced DEAR (Drop Everything And Read) at the start of RE Lessons in KS3. The idea is that for ten minutes at the start of at least one lesson each week students read, in silence, from the Bible. At the end of these ten minutes, there is a discussion and students have the chance to select a line that stood out to them to add to a display in classrooms.

Pope John Paul II Award.

Some students in Y12 have signed up for Pope John Paul II Award.  This faith achievement award enables participants to take an active part in their Church, community, and society.  Students have already signed up to help in a local food bank and are actively involved in their parish and school Masses and have been commissioned as Eucharistic ministers. As part of this award, the sixth formers will be taking a lead with the BWH Chaplaincy team and will lead prayer sessions for classes throughout the year. Also, students will be helping with the homework club and mentoring younger students as part of this award.



Taking a step back from life to reflect on our faith and ourselves is an integral part of being a Catholic. Opportunities for this important time are offered to all pupils through both internal and external retreats.

The Briars
Students from year 7 attend a residential trip to the Briars Retreat Centre in Crich, Derbyshire, for a three-day retreat of prayer, activities and reflection. With themes such as ‘choices’ allowing students to think about the choices they make in day to day life, thinking about how was can make good choices that reflect our faith and call to be Disciples of Christ.

Students from year 9 have the opportunity to visit the Soli Centre for youth ministry in Alton, Staffordshire. The centre offers the children the opportunity to take part in some really exciting outdoor activities whilst considering their spiritual impact too.